About the Major

Gain the basic knowledge of accounting theory and practice. Explore accounting’s interrelationship with other fields of business, including financial analysis, operations management, and information technology.
Graduate with the background you need for your first accounting job, and for professional examinations including the Certified Public Accountant and Certified Management Accountant.
About the Minor
We also offer an Accounting minor. Visit our course catalog for specific requirements for Barney students and non-Barney students.
Degree Requirements
The program combines core classes, specialized courses, electives, and an internship. You will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
Featured Core Classes
- World of Business
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Business
- Management and Organizational Behavior
- Exploring and Planning Career Options
Specialized Accounting Classes
- Financial Reporting Theory I-II
- Accounting Information Systems
- Cost Management
- Federal Income Tax Concepts
- Auditing Concepts and Problem
- Internship in Accounting
Career Outlook
When you graduate, you will be prepared to enter a growing industry. The demand for professional accountants is predicted to grow over the next decade, due in part to globalization and complex tax laws.
You will have many specialties from which to choose, including reporting standards, auditing, federal income taxation, cost accounting, budgeting, technology, and management consulting.
Estimated pay:
- Interships: $28-38/hour
- Entry level at CPA firms: $70,000-80,000
Robert Freeman
Double Major in Accounting and Business Analytics & Managerial Economics, 25
In his few years at UHart, Robert Freeman ’25 has traveled to Florida for a DECA conference, participated in the Men’s Ultimate Frisbee team, and completed an internship after his sophomore year—all while double majoring in accounting as well as business analytics and managerial economics. Read more.
His favorite part about the Barney experience? “The people. My professors are all good communicators and are very generous with their time. Their demeanor in the classroom and their willingness to help speaks to how much they care about their students’ success.”
Samuel Garcia '23, Accounting Major, Intern at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)"The Barney School helped me by building a solid foundation in preparing me for interviews, resume scans and networking. BAR 211 helped a lot because it made me think about ways I can build my brand and be able to display it on resumes and interviews. I was able to secure the internship by applying on the company website through LinkedIn."
Applications for admission are considered on a "rolling basis." We look forward to welcoming you to Barney!